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A Must Have Recovery & Injury App from Strava! - "Recover"

If you’re into running, this is an app you might want in your arsenal.

No mater your level, niggles and injuries crop during running. This is down to the shear impact and repetitive nature of it.

The running app ‘Strava’ has obviously recognised this as a barrier to people using their app and has come up with a brilliant solution.

Design a recovery app that helps you manage injuries.

(also a great business move)

So after a client recommended Recover to me a few weeks ago, I’ve been playing around with it.

And I really like it!

In fact I think it’s the next step in progression of my current recovery program.

When a client joins our program here at R5, I have a 3 week stretch & mobility guide that tackles all the major muscles and joints.

In the Recover app however, you can choose which area of the body you’re having issues with and it develops a personalised plan based around your answers.

More tailored approach if you will.

You’re also able to modify the exercises it suggests, if need be, until you are 100% happy with the program.

It will also give you videos of how to perform each exercise should you need some pointers.

After each workout it will ask you to rate the pain in that area.

Overtime the hope is that you can see the pain rating going down the more you perform its recommended sessions.

It even give you some confetti and a congratulations message once you complete a session - I mean who does love it when they gamify these things!

As it's designed by Strava, it will even uplaod your session straight to Strava should you want to share you session with your friends or family.

Honestly, I think this is a brilliant little app that could be the difference between you packing it in, or really finding your passion for running long term.

Just search ‘Recover’ in the App Store or Google Play, and look for the image below.

Let me know in the comments if this is something you’ll find useful or if you’ve used it before - I’d love to know!



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R5 Fitness / Personal Trainer Sheffield/ Online Coach

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Our products and services are intended to be fully implemented, but some people who purchase our product may not complete, or start the program. If a customer does implement our product or service in full, fat loss, muscle gain, or other positive transformation outcomes may not occur.


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