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Welcome to R5! My names Ryan Dutton, personal trainer and online coach. For the past 8 years my sole objective here at R5 has been helping people across the world change their habits, performance, and ultimately there overall physique, via our online coaching service and our private Sheffield based personal training studio.

My journey started at a time when I was deeply unconfident, lacking motivation and unsure how I would ever obtain a body a could be confident in and proud of.


This lead me into journey personal development, in pursuit of optimal performance across all areas of my life. Accumulating along the way a wealth of knowledge on how the body functions, it's vast capabilities and its potential for change. 


Having a keen interest in people, their relationship with exercise/food and the psychology around habits, means we continually achieving some outstanding transformations.

The experience of working with such a wide range of clientele has lead to us developing systems and protocols for exercise/nutrition that will help anyone, who is truly ready for change, achieve fantastic results.

I encourage you to check out the success stories, testimonials and let our clients tell you about their experiences here at R5.

I hope you'll be our next success story!



R5 Fitness / Personal Trainer Sheffield / Online Coach

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Our products and services are intended to be fully implemented, but some people who purchase our product may not complete, or start the program. If a customer does implement our product or service in full, fat loss, muscle gain, or other positive transformation outcomes may not occur.


The content in the programs and on our website is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the diet plans or exercises mentioned R5 Fitness should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or health care provider. 

If you have pre-existing physical or mental health conditions, it is not advised that you participate in our programs. If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so of your own free will and accord.

© R5 Fitness 2023. All rights reserved.

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